
Refereed & Invited

28. “Iris Murdoch on Moral Education” (Invited symposium). North American Association for Philosophy & Education (NAAPE), October 2023.

27. “Iris Murdoch on Moral Education” (Panel presentation). North Eastern Philosophy of Education Society (NEPES), October 2023.

26. "Cancel Wars: An Author-Meets-Critics Book Symposium" (Symposium with Sigal R. Ben-Porath, Caitlin Murphy Brust, and Megan Bogia). American Educational Research Association (AERA), April 2023. 

25. "Cultivating Citizenship in Segregated Schools" (Roundtable paper presentation). American Educational Research Association (AERA), April 2023. 

24. "Thick Ethical Concepts and Moral Articulation in Schools" (Paper presentation). Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB), April 2023. 

23. "The Campus Alignment Review of Ethics (CAREs)" (Panel presentation). Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE), March 2023.

22. "Critical Theory, Moral Perception, and Democratic Education" (Paper presentation). North American Association for Philosophy & Education (NAAPE), October 2022. 

21. "The False Promise of an Open Future: A Response to Carter and Feinberg" (Paper presentation). Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB), March 2022.

20. "Should all students learn ethics? Assessing University Commitment to Ethics" (Panel presentation). The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Conference on General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment, February 2022. 

19. "Response to Blum and Burkholder, Integrations: The Struggle for Racial Equality and Civic Renewal in Public Education" (Invited response). The Colloquium in Philosophy and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, December 2021. 

18. “The false promise of an open future: What knowledge are children owed?” (Paper presentation). North American Association for Philosophy & Education (NAAPE), October 2021.

17. “What knowledge are children owed? A Wittgensteinian Approach to Rights-Based Education” (Paper presentation). North Eastern Philosophy of Education Society (NEPES), October 2021.  

16. “Author-Meets-Critics, Mason Marshall, ReadingPlato's Dialogues to Enhance Learning and Inquiry: Exploring Socrates' Use of Protreptic for Student Engagement (Routledge)” (Panel presentation). North American Association for Philosophy & Education (NAAPE),October 2021.

15. “How School Security Measures Harm Schools and Their Students” (Paper presentation). Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB), September 2021.

14. “Ethics Across the Nation: How Colleges and Universities in the U.S. Signal Commitment to Ethics Education” (Panel presentation). Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE), February 2021.

13. “Secured Schools: An Ethical Analysis of School Security Technologies” (Paper presentation). North American Association for Philosophy & Education (NAAPE), October 2019.

12. “Epiphany and Education” (Paper presentation with co-author, Kevin Gary, Valparaiso University). North American Association for Philosophy & Education (NAAPE), October 2019.

11. “Secured Schools: An Ethical Analysis of School Security Technologies” (Paper presentation). New England Philosophy of Education Society (NEPES), September 2019.

10. “Educating for Epiphany” (Paper presentation). Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB), March 2019. 

9. “Is Freire Incoherent? Reconciling Directiveness and Dialogue in Freirean Pedagogy” (Paper presentation). North American Association for Philosophy & Education (NAAPE),October 2018.

8. “Poetic Education: Space, Pedagogy, and Perception” (Panel presentation). North American Association for Philosophy & Education (NAAPE), October 2018.

7. “Dwelling and Dreaming in Schools: Applying Bachelard to School Design” (Paper presentation). New England Philosophy of Education Society (NEPES), October 2018.

6. “The Role of Virtue, Utopia, and Criticality in Freire's Educational Thought” (Paper presentation). Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB), March 2018.

5. “Plato’s Curriculum: The Educational Consistency of the Republic and the Laws” (Paper presentation). Northern New England Philosophical Association (NNEPA), November 2017.

4. “Direction and Dialogue: How All Teachers Can Call Themselves Freirean” (Paper presentation). New England Philosophy of Education Society (NEPES), October 2017.

3. “Incentivizing Thick Responsiveness to Student Protests in Higher Education: A Response to Anderson” (Invited response). Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society (OVPES), October 2017.

2. “Direction and Dialogue in the Freirean Classroom” (Paper presentation). Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society (OVPES), October 2017.

1. “The Uses and Abuses of ‘Emulation’ as a Pedagogical Technique” (Paper presentation with co-author, Mark Jonas, Wheaton College). Society of Philosophy and History of Education (SOPHE), October 2015.

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